1031 Exchange Explained

A 1031 Exchange gives you the ability to sell a property held for business or investment purposes and defer the capital gains tax on the sale by reinvesting your capital into a new like-kind property.

Advantageous Tax Effects

Maximize your investment potential with a fully deferred tax exchange.

Increased Buying Power

Use a 1031 Exchange to leverage your gains and continue to grow your money through real estate investments.

What Does Studio 168 Offer?

Meet with the team one on one to discuss your specific situation. We will customize the experience to fit your needs, budget, and time frame.

Utilize our knowledge and connections to find an advantageous property that will help you continue to build wealth.

Our team has successfully completed exchanges for a diverse clientele in varying timeframes. We are confident in our ability to meet your needs.

Be as hands off as you would like while we provide you with frequent updates, walk you through each part of the process clearly, and continue to report on the success of your asset post close.

From asset selection to the day-to-day operations post close, our team takes care of everything. With our in-house management team, you can rest assured our goals are aligned with yours – a stabilized, cash flowing asset.

As you focus on your career, family, hobbies, etc., the Studio 168 team will work tirelessly to find your solution, acquire the asset, meet your deadlines, and then manage the property with our stellar onsite and regional staff.

Ready to get started?

Contact us to set up a consultation today!